1) Blog Hopping is mega time consuming (and is actually in danger of stopping me from getting my own post written) but it does enable you to see lots of stuff; ideas, photos, thoughts, blog designs etc etc. My problem tends to be I end up with yet more ideas whizzing around my head on top of the zillion that were already vying for my attention. Oh, and it does have a tendency to mean that my ‘to do list’ for today does not have many ticks on it Almost without fail in a mega hop though, you do tend to come across blogs that you think ‘Yes, I MUST see this one again. And so I thought I’d share one here that I came across today. I don’t think it is a BFS class member, I think I got to it from someone in the class but I’m afraid I have no idea who now. Take a look – I love her style - Simple Inspiration Don’t forget the take a look in the ‘Who I am’ section and follow the links to the kids pseudonyms – Brilliant.
ETA – Ah yes, thanks to Karen’s comment I can indeed see that the above link came from her blog. I loved Karen’s post and followed a couple of links I think but only looked at them later in the day which is why amongst the dozens of tabs I end up with I couldn’t tell where I’d got it from lol. You can take a look at Karen’s original post here.
2) The Local Library – I don’t know how many of you use your local library but I do and I love it. So much so that I wrote a short piece for a magazine about it. Sadly it didn’t get published but it was a brilliant exercise for getting me to say everything I wanted in a finite number of words – something you can see I have trouble with !! One of the books I returned today but that I think I may have to go buy is this one here. Storage Style, it’s just one of those yummy books with beautiful photos that just can’t fail to inspire you. PS No, I am not on commission for The Book Depository, that just happened to be the best price I found. As for my magazine piece I might just post that later if I can find it.
Todays selection from the Library
3) Interior Design Inspiration. Oh boy this is my THING at the minute, I am swallowing up books that inspire me in this space and it will potentially cost me a small fortune. I posted about a couple of lush books recently and if you want to take a look its here. Shimelle happened to mentioned Decor8 in todays prompt and this is a site I love to visit and I fully intend keeping an eye out for her book which I think is due any day (see more money). Another lovely site though belongs to Rachel Ashwell here and again it’s just crammed full of lushness. I could drool all day.
4) Shopping. What can I say, I love it. Yesterday I took myself off to my first Antiques Market and I had a wonderful time, apart from the fact that I didn’t buy anything.The sun was shining and there were about a hundred stalls all with something worth having a nosy at. I think actually though that’s why I didn’t buy anything – to much choice but I can thoroughly recommend finding yourselves a local one to attend, just Google it. Today, however, I did buy some things. Good old TK Maxx to the rescue. they don’t always have good stuff but today I think I was on a roll. I’ll just share with you this little beauty who’s destined for the girls bedroom at the cottage.
5) Ok, so number 5 is going to have to stay missing for now as I must, must, must get something done but thank you all for dropping by. And thank you for the comments on my last post. One of my ‘issues’ with blogging is whether they’re read or not, whether its interesting or not - so getting comments is lovely – Thank you.
This post was in response to Prompt 3 from Blogging for Scrapbookers by Shimelle Laine.
Wendy xx
Thanks for sharing!
Hope your day goes well and things get ticked off your list. :D
Great list. I totally agree about the antiques market - we have a monthly trade days near us that we love to stroll through. And I frequent our library often plus attend a monthly book club there. Nice job on getting prompt three blogged!
I still use our library, would be so sad to see it close. Thanks for the book recommendation, will definitely give them a go.
Thanks for commenting on mien. So glad you did - love your blog and I'll be back. As you say. Bloghopping is ssooo time consuming. My children need to go to bed!
blog hopping is my personal black hole. totally know what you mean!
Hi Wendy
I think it may have been my blog that had the Simple Inspirations link. I totally agree about the amount of time you can waste on blog hopping - I should really be in the shower now but am blog hopping instead.
Ah, it was indeed Karen and so I have updated the post and given you a little mention :-)
Love our local library! Nice post. Found you through BFS.
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