Once upon a time I used to work full time – VERY full time. For years I didn’t manage a normal week in terms of hours and I spent months, possibly years, of my life working away from home. I tried very hard not to let it affect family life, not to miss school productions etc but inevitably some fell by the wayside Don’t get me wrong, I was well paid and I met some wonderful people, many who remain good friends to this day. Throughout this time my house didn’t keel over or anyone become ill due to the lack of either a domestic goddess or a super efficient dust buster. Somehow everything that needed doing got done. Ok, Christmas cards were sparse and the ironing mountain did threaten to collapse on occasion, but birthday cards, presents and food on the table always managed to make an appearance and life was normal - if somewhat manic most of the time.
May 2007 (at the start of this blog actually) I walked away from that hectic life, I’d had enough. Most folk who know me expected me to take a few months off and then get back into work in one form or another, those folk are still very surprised that I haven’t. Not only have I not looked for another job I still have no desire whatsoever to get back on that particular treadmill. However (you knew there was a ‘but’ coming didn’t you), Christmas cards are still sparse and pretty much everything that needs organising is done at the last minute. What the heck! I’ve done all the ‘Organisational Skills’ courses imaginable; I’ve read all the ‘Managing your time’ books that are out there; I have 5 days a week to myself, for at least 5 hours a day – So WHY oh why am I still always playing catch up. Aaaarrrghhh.
I started Shimelle’s Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers knowing that for a good portion of the three weeks we’d be at The Hovel but I still felt that I could keep up with it. Humph, I should of known better really, this is me we are talking about. The last prompt I actually read was number 7, the last one I followed was a few before that and, as I type, number 13 has just arrived in my inbox. I’m disappointed that I’ve lost the plot on it and want to get back on the forum, catch up on some of the new blogs I’d started following and see if I can make up for some of the lost time. As always timing is everything and so I also managed to sign up for CJ’s new class ‘Advanced Artistry’ and have received my intro info (which probably has homework in it) but have not managed to read those yet either.
I have to admit though, that we did have a glorious time at The Hovel. The weather was wonderful, the company brilliant and we really managed to chill. T’hubby was desperately in need of some ‘down time’ and so it was a wonderful escape for us all. We had various visitors along the way, an impromptu meeting to assess our ‘water’ problem, a 5 hour hike from our door and our campfire area was constructed and tested out as we burnt the grasses that T’hubby had cut down. Ironically I didn’t get much reading done either and so I have a mountain of books awaiting me too.
Now we’re home and a major catch up has begun as well as the final countdown to Grumpy’s prom on Friday. First step is this post, as I always feel a need to explain myself (really must get out of that), next I want to look around at folks blogs see what they’ve been up to and then I must read CJ’s literature. If only this damn housework (that is also way behind) would just disappear. Ah well, I guess its not going to go away so I best make a start on it, as my title says ‘Nothing can be accomplished until you begin’. Onward ……
Thanks for dropping by and please feel free to leave me a comment.
Wendy xx
I have to split my housework and such in to 15 minute chunks of time, else I get overwhelmed. Try that.
I'm jealous that you got to chuck your job. I have two, and there's one that I really, really want to chuck right now.
Wendy, Sounds like a wonderful getaway! I only sign up for classes that I will have perpetual access to the materials since I sometimes fall way too far behind...life does have a way of getting in the way lol
Ah, I know exactly what Carol Anne means. I was doing that today but then t'hubby came home early and was sat at his desk working when the timer went off to tell me I'd done my 45 minutes housework and could now 'play' for 30. Didn't dare tell him what it was for lol
Housework's not one of my joys either...as long as it's 'surface tidy' I can always find something else to do!
Alison xx
I try to do a little bit each day, with a bigger catch up on the weekends. (Biggest secret is, I gave up ironing years ago - I just hang everything up straight in the cupboard). Don't worry too much about getting everything done, just do what you can and remember to have little treats/rewards at the end of it!
One thing at a time, that's the only way forward :)
Your getaway sounds wonderful, I felt quite refreshed just reading about it
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