
Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Do I want to be a DG?

That’s Domestic Goddess to the uninitiated. This came up in a text exchange yesterday with a very good friend of mine. She asked if I had any new year resolutions, I said no but I had just made some delish carrot and coriander soup. It was at this point the she referred to the DG business. Now all who know me know that I am anything but a DG, I’m more the ‘can cook but don’t’ brigade. I do, however, periodically have a go at being more inclined towards culinary pursuits. Last year did see a fair few cupcakes and flapjacks (note to self, really must get back into these) but as a general rule I don’t. Pete does the cooking, he enjoys it and is very good at it and unfortunately (without really meaning to) he can be a tad judgemental of any cooking I accidently find myself doing. Such was the case with my first batch of C&C soup last week – wrinkled nose and “too salty” were the initial response. He did redeem himself later by claiming he was wrong and merrily trotting off to work the next day with C&C for his lunch. I found the recipe here on the Good Food website. I made it with the organic carrots that we still had in one of weekly veggie boxes from Abel & Cole, these are going down well and because you suddenly find yourself left with something that you might not usually have it means you make a real effort to use it up. So I made more yesterday because I really liked it , and Pete has trotted off once again with his little tub for lunch.

C&C Soup

Today I spotted the fruit from our first veggie box sitting forlornly on the dresser untouched. Pears, Kiwi fruit and Satsuma's – I needed inspiration. A quick look at the good food website again and I decided on a crumble. Couldn’t face the Kiwi so it’s the pears for me, I also grabbed some frozen cranberries and then decided on crunchy nut clusters for the topping instead of the usual crumble.

Pear and cranberry

I had no idea if the combination would work but thought it worth a try and so, after eating my lovely soup for lunch, I peeled and cored the pears and added these with the cranberries to a saucepan with a little sugar.  I bought them slowly to the boil and let them simmer away for a few minutes. Meanwhile I crumbled the Crunchy Nut Clusters (cereal that Bex ‘really wanted’ a while ago but seems to have gone off now!) in preparation for the topping. The fruit was then spooned into two large tea cups and the topping added. All I need to do now is put them in the oven to warm through whilst we eat our main course and decide whether its to be ice cream or custard to accompany.

Pear & Cranberry Crumble 2

All in a good cause – using up leftovers. Trouble is Pete’s on a diet, oops.

Thanks for dropping by.

  Wendy x

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