
Monday, 18 October 2010

One man went to mow …..

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…. went to mow a meadow. Well he did after we’d spent an extortionate amount of money on a wicked strimmer with vicious metal blades. But I have to say it did the job wonderfully on it’s little test run the weekend. Hopefully this will mean that we don’t need to endure the sheep poo which is the obvious by-product of allowing the sheep in to keep the grass down and, apart from which, they don’t actually eat the really tough stuff which borders the streams and surrounding area anyway. The weekend was lovely, although we were originally meant to have been joined by Steve and P which would have made it even better but, Steve came down with a really bad cold and chest infection preventing them from travelling. Not to be deterred we came alone. I met up with a stove man Friday afternoon (just awaiting the written quote now – fingers crossed) and Pete travelled from Bournville on the train for the first time. It worked quite well, the train was pretty much on time and we even sampled the local pub on the way home. As the months march on the cottage is feeling colder though – hence the quote from stove man – and for the first time in my life I used an electric blanket on the bed. I used two singles that we inherited with the cottage and I have to say I climbed into the most warm and snugly bed ever. Guess who will be ordering a new double one as soon as we get home!
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We also lit a real fire for the first time, it was lovely to see the glow - made it feel like a real cottage at last and prompted another first for the weekend. Bellows, not used any before and I have to say what a damn good idea they are, worked wonderfully on our little fire they did. I think a good pair of bellows are most definitely NOT to be underestimated. It’s going to be a few weeks before stove man can fit us in (if we like his quote) so I think we’ll be using those bellows a few more times over the coming weeks.
Thanks for dropping by.
  Wendy x

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