
Friday, 24 September 2010



As ever the library worked wonders. I had reserved a copy but when I arrived Wednesday morning I saw a copy on the shelf and so I grabbed it on my way to the desk. It was one of the bestseller editions which meant that I could only take it out for 7 days – 7 days, no worries. And so they cancelled my original reservation and I took this copy instead. Of course whilst I was there I couldn’t resist having a nosy see what other books they had and so I left the building with a further two novels, a little book for Emily and a couple of home decor books to boot. I do wish I could find a way to get the girls to read more by choice. As I walked back to the car I was almost skipping, I absolutely LOVE having new books to devour but reading during the day feels like a guilty pleasure. I wish I could get paid to do it, that would solve that issue. On the topic of guilty pleasures, I haven’t scrapped in an age. As I type and look around me I know why – my desk is a tip. At some point I must make that a priority. Right now though, I think I’ll read lol x

Thanks for dropping by.

  Wendy x

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