
Sunday, 3 June 2012

Story telling Sunday – Chatterbox and Giggles

Today I have a little story to tell,  its bought to you as part of Sian’s Story Telling Sunday. This is the first time I’ve managed to join in but plenty of others play each month and so there are lots of tales out there just waiting to be read, please take a look at the others which you can find links to from here.

When The Boy B was still very little, we’re talking in excess of twenty years ago, I myself was still only a strip of a thing. I’d always been thin, yes I’d managed to put weight on whilst pregnant but it had disappeared again as soon as I was back on my feet. I’d always hated being thin and had endured some horrible name calling in my time but post pregnancy I guess I was now ok with it.


Ok with it? Actually looking at this photo now I think I should have just got on and ‘enjoyed’ it.

At the same point in time, The Boy B was a prolific talker and would happily chatter away as we went about our daily business. There were a few hairy moments when he used words that he couldn’t quite say right and it sounded for all the world like he was saying very bad swear words but I’d smile sweetly and explain that he couldn’t say his ‘l’s’ right as he pointed to something that had caught his eye and tried to say “look,look”. His chattering continued as his speech refined and his lovely clear voice could be heard for some distance as we meandered along.

Anthony (2)

One day The Boy B and I were shopping in town. I spotted something I liked in BHS and duly went into the changing rooms to try it on. Although a lot of the cubicles were occupied, it was quiet as we went in and, for once, The Boy B was also quiet as he sat there watching me undress – then he decided to speak – loudly and clearly he uttered these unforgettable words:

“Mommy, why haven’t you got very big boobies like all the others ladies”

My mouth dropped open as I looked at him and then I heard the giggles from the other cubicles. For long seconds there was silence in our cubicle as The Boy B and I stared at each other, and then I sniggered, and then he giggled and pretty soon we were laughing our socks off. Of course the downside of the decision to laugh with him rather than find a hole to swallow me was the fact that he thought it was great fun to repeat the exercise!

Do you know, to this day, I have no idea what I took in to try on, but I didn’t buy it. We walked out with our heads held high with the cubicle curtains twitching as we passed.

Thanks for taking the time to read my little story, don’t forget to pop over to the others too.

Wendy xx


Amy said...

Out of the mouths of babes! My Mumalways said to never brag or boast about your children because in teh very next breath they will bring you down!

Missus Wookie said...

Oh dear - well at the other end of the spectrum I always wanted smaller ones! Thanks for the giggle :)

Sian said...

I love how you held your heads high! What a great little story (and a fabulously glam photo of a slim mum!). It's so good to have you with us today Wendy. Thank you!

Ladkyis said...

Oh that has reminded me of a story, now do I tell it now or wait until next month and use it for storytelling sunday in July?

Jo.C said...

Isn't it awful how when we look our best we don't have the confidence and then when we have the confidence we don't have the body :0)
I remember a very similar conversation in the changing rooms with D. You have just brought it back!

Alison said...

That DID make me laugh Wendy!
Alison xx

scrappyjacky said...

That certainly brought a smile,Wendy. Children....don't you just love them!!

Unknown said...

Hehehehe! That was a great giggle. Kids will always do that :-) You had an amazing figure in that photo!!!

AM Zafaran said...

I couldn't stop giggling too! I have had such moments too when my baby son, unknown to me, had lifted up my dress. I walked around like that before realizing it!Mortified. Hee hee...21 years later, I laugh with him about it.

Maria Ontiveros said...

So glad you joined in! And what a fun story to share.

Lou said...

lol!! you made me laugh.......such a funny story. I have had many an experience of these kind of comments from my three over the years.

Gem's Crafts said...

What a wonderful story, it made me and the OH giggle! And oh how I wish I was like you and the extra weight just dropped off after my pregnancy! Still a couple of inches to go round my waist yet!

Lynn said...

Children do pick their moments - great story.

Wanda said...

Kids do have a way of keeping us honest, don't they? I love the picture of your son here--his happy demeanor is on display for sure!

Beverly said...

So glad you joined and shared, gave me a great laugh and you handled your exit beautifully!

Ginger said...

Oh boy! I giggled out loud reading this story! Well I think you look fantastic now and back then :)

furrypig said...

kids really do say the funniest things! Brilliant story thanks for making me smile

Becky said...

This really made me giggle! Thank you for sharing it :)

Irene said...

What a fun story, I love how small children have the capacity to entertain without knowing they are doing it. You looked great then and I bet still do. The curtain twitchers must have been very jealous!

Anonymous said...

What a funny story. You were so slim after giving birth! I have yet to lose my pregnancy weight and I gave birth 19 years ago!

Susanne said...

Thanks for the chuckle. Glad you joined into Storytelling Sunday - I hope to hear further adventures.

Anonymous said...

LOL - thanks so much for the laughs. Boy out of the mouths of babes!

Anonymous said...

LOL - thanks so much for the laughs. Boy out of the mouths of babes!

Jimjams said...

Ha ha ha - great story - at least it was you that he was making remarks about, my most embarrassing times have been when the boys have LOUDLY asked me personal questions about passers by!!

alexa said...

Brilliant! He is such a sweet-looking young man. If I looked like that post-partum, I'd have been thrilled. :)