
Monday, 6 June 2011

I’m going for it.

Whilst visiting upt’north, one of the ‘things’ we came across was My Fitness Pal. Diamond Gal had recently started using it and it sounded quite useful. Its an Android App  again and this little fella allows you to record gems like; current weight, target weight, target loss per week, frequency of exercise etc.  It then tells you what your target calorie intake is and then lets you record everything that passes your lips during the day. I guess it can take a little while to build up your own list of regular foods but the fact that it also allows you to scan the barcode on numerous items makes it a doozy as well as being seriously cool for the first few times you do it Smile 


For me, one of the best things about this is awareness. It stops you in your tracks when you realise just how high some of your regular foods are and because your awareness is increased I think it gives a helping hand if you do want to lose a little weight. My guess is that there will be side effects though, for example: last night I REALLY fancied a cup of coffee but I only had 45 calories left for the day – damn. Because I drink Kenco, and because I’ve only managed to move ‘down’ to semi-skimmed milk but mainly because I flatly refuse to drink coffee without sugar (2 and a half in fact) a normal coffee for me is worth 56 calories. What to do? There was also the rather delicious chocolate cake calling to me from the fridge, and here we’re talking 300 calories per slice!! Hmm, I mused, I could take the dog for a brisk walk and burn off enough for the coffee but I didn’t have the energy or the time to ‘earn’ the chocolate cake. Oh well, warm bath and bedtime instead then. Fast forward to this morning. I’ve not been to the gym for months, just not been able to get back into it, but I figured that if I was going to the trouble of recording what I eat I ought to get back in there. And so I did.  3 minutes and 20 seconds into my workout I’d earned enough for a cup of coffee, woohoo – maybe that chocolate cake is on the cards after all. Awareness see, maybe that’s the edge I’ve been needing all along.

Thanks for dropping by and please feel free to leave me a comment, hopefully I’ll be back later with my photo challenge shots and an update on the boys Smile

Wendy xx


Sian said...

It's something about the brighter days and longer nights - it's got me thinking I need to get back to the WiiFit bike too!

scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like a very good way of looking at it.

debs14 said...

I have that app on my phone too, it does make you think twice before eating something doesn't it? And quite shocking at how unhealthy some foods are. Good luck with all your good intentions!

Gem's Crafts said...

The app sounds fab. Oh and that chocolate cake looks gorgeous - I'm not that I would have had your will-power. Good luck with it all :)

Gem's Crafts said...

PS I just saw your comment on Sian's blog, did you know you can write a blog post in advance, and have it appear at a set day and time? Thats what I do for Storytelling Sundays, then when I get a chance I link it back to Sian's blog. Hope it helps!

Alison said...

Well done on getting back to the Gym!
Alison xx